Monday 7 December 2009

George Bush response to Kanye for his comment about Hurricane Katrina - Research

This interview shows Brian Williams who interviews George Bush on Response to Katrina. It also includes Bush's rejection to Kanye West's statement.

Black and White Debate Hurricane Katrina and Racism -Research

This clip shows a debate about Hurricane Katrina and Racism on an American News programme.

The Extent of Environmental Racism - Research

A multimedia presentation by Darius Scott detailing the woes of environmental racism as they exist in the city of Port Arthur, Texas.

What is Environmental Racism? -Research

This clip shows Professor Danny Faber from the Northeastern Environmental Justice Research Collaborative in Boston. He defines what environmental racism is and how it is portrayed to more politically powerful counties/ states. In my opinion Environmental Racism is unethical -- for people to create an atmosphere of victimization to these sufferers are also in my opinion wrong and I have a very strong view towards that.

Research on Environmental Racism in New Orleans: Hurricane Katrina

This video shows how New Orleans was effected by Hurricane Katrina, it tries to pin point the unethical way that the people of New Orleans have been treated and that the Government did not do everything to help them. It was posted in 2008 and there are no comments allowed to be on this clip. In my opinion it is terribly sad how those poor people suffered as a result of freak weather in America.

women sufferers from lack of clean water - Research

This short clip is taken from the 'Water For People' documentary on how women must find water in third world countries.

Freak Water Weather Research...

The definition of water politics depends on whom you ask. The film shows differing and different views of academics, foreign consultants, multilateral institutions, and social activists - all of whom are involved in working on water issues in the Mekong region.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Freak Water Weather Research...

Here are some videos that I have found to do with freak water weather. It is to do with systems and how the government is either trying to help the society or how the government is not doing enough. These videos show devastating footage of the destruction that hurricanes, tsunami's and many more freak weather activities have done to this world, and my main focus is looking at how politicians try and make the situation better or worse in some cases.