Friday 30 April 2010

Southbank Centre Project

We were given a logo that we had to work on. We had to produce an end-sting of a 3-5 second animation using illustrator and flash. Above is the logo that I had to work with...
After that we had to create a storyboard with what was related to our logo. I chose to base mine on cinema events that the Southbank has to offer, I had many previous ideas that are shown but the cinema on was the one I liked the best so I took that forward and converted it to mac. I then had to start working with it in Illustrator to trace around all the parts of the logo I wanted to move/ animate, this was quite difficult as mine was quite tricky and complicated as it has lots of criss crosses that overlap and swoop under each other.
I then had to import it all to flash program which made my logo animated, we had to work in the time scale of 3-5 seconds which is alot of detail to get in to such a small amount of time. I knew it had to be short, snappy, straight to the point and more importantly relevant to the Southbank centre. After hours of tweeking my animation I finally got there in the end, I made my animation and produced research, an A3 hard storyboard and a flipbook.