Monday 7 December 2009

George Bush response to Kanye for his comment about Hurricane Katrina - Research

This interview shows Brian Williams who interviews George Bush on Response to Katrina. It also includes Bush's rejection to Kanye West's statement.

Black and White Debate Hurricane Katrina and Racism -Research

This clip shows a debate about Hurricane Katrina and Racism on an American News programme.

The Extent of Environmental Racism - Research

A multimedia presentation by Darius Scott detailing the woes of environmental racism as they exist in the city of Port Arthur, Texas.

What is Environmental Racism? -Research

This clip shows Professor Danny Faber from the Northeastern Environmental Justice Research Collaborative in Boston. He defines what environmental racism is and how it is portrayed to more politically powerful counties/ states. In my opinion Environmental Racism is unethical -- for people to create an atmosphere of victimization to these sufferers are also in my opinion wrong and I have a very strong view towards that.

Research on Environmental Racism in New Orleans: Hurricane Katrina

This video shows how New Orleans was effected by Hurricane Katrina, it tries to pin point the unethical way that the people of New Orleans have been treated and that the Government did not do everything to help them. It was posted in 2008 and there are no comments allowed to be on this clip. In my opinion it is terribly sad how those poor people suffered as a result of freak weather in America.

women sufferers from lack of clean water - Research

This short clip is taken from the 'Water For People' documentary on how women must find water in third world countries.

Freak Water Weather Research...

The definition of water politics depends on whom you ask. The film shows differing and different views of academics, foreign consultants, multilateral institutions, and social activists - all of whom are involved in working on water issues in the Mekong region.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Freak Water Weather Research...

Here are some videos that I have found to do with freak water weather. It is to do with systems and how the government is either trying to help the society or how the government is not doing enough. These videos show devastating footage of the destruction that hurricanes, tsunami's and many more freak weather activities have done to this world, and my main focus is looking at how politicians try and make the situation better or worse in some cases.

Friday 16 October 2009

The Jenga Plinth...

Here is mine and lisa's presentation on our Jenga Plinth.

Anthony Gormley...

Here is a youtube video of Anthony Gormley introducing his next project 'One and Other', where 2400 people from across the UK get to stand on the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square for an hour at a time.

Cake images inspiration...

This is the book that I received when I was a child, and this is where I got the recipe for the marble cake. I also looked on the internet for similar cakes but different ideas to put it together with my own. Here is what I found. I looked up cakes with sweets on top and the marble sponge inside it.

Speak to your Dad day research 2...

I started thinking about how to communicate things is different ways. Physical different way. I liked the idea of braille and things to do with the world to stay in contact. These are some of the images where I got my inspiration from.

Speak to your Dad day research 1...

Finally I came up with the idea of Pigeons using scrolls so I found two different ways of seeing how they actually carried their information.

Pecha Kucha research help

This video on youtube really helped me with my Pecha Kucha presentation. It's just a little insight to how we use Pecha Kucha correctly..

The Fourth Plinth Powerpoint slides...

For this final brief we were given the task of designing and developing an interest in the world around us. We were to start by formulating opinions and think of something that makes us tick. Working is groups of two we were to put ideas together for the time we would spend on the plinth.

I worked with Lisa and we chose to do a Jenga plinth where we would have a women's team and a male team and pick people out at random from the street to come up and play a giant game of Jenga. We thought about all the safety issues like using a netting around the plinth just incase anybody fell and also a ladder to get up there. We would also make the Jenga out of foam so people wouldn't hurt themselves. Finally, we would take a picture of everybody that took part in the Jenga plinth and use their pictures to be put up around the plinth to say that they had been a part of it.

6 events and 6 locations - Final Design...

Here is my final design for the 6 events and 6 locations brief. i chose to keep it simple by using the United Kingdom outline and a musical note and a microphone to represent a music festival in the UK. I like the fact that there is only black as a colour and there is no other colours needed to understand what the merged design is about. Also I like the fact that it is simplistic and effective.

Final pictures of my cake...

Here are some of the final photographs taken of my cake. I think they look great!!!

Making my cake presentation...

For this brief we had to work in pairs, so I worked with my boyfriend Chris. We were to record a diary and record all eventualities pertaining to the following problem. I chose to present this as a Powerpoint presentation.

1. Find yourself a recipe.
2. Buy the ingredients we needed.
3. Bake the cake.
4. Make the cake look as mouthwateringly edible as we could.

I chose to use a recipe out of a very old baking book i had as a child, it's called the 'Marble Cake'. We made two to see which one would look the best to take in to present to the group and the judges. Our cake consisted of flour (normal and self- raising), caster sugar, baking powder, eggs, margarine, vanilla essence, red food colouring, chocolate, cocoa powder, milk and lots of sweets.
As you can probably see form the photographs we went a little overboard with the sweets and were still left with some left over after making two cakes! We weighed everything out properly and then mixed it all together in high raised baking tin but put dollops of the 3 different bowls in different places then used a knife and made the figure of 8 to create a marble effect, this then went in the oven for an hour and came out not brilliantly because my little Sister opened the door of the oven whilst it was baking causing part of the cake to collapse.. not impressed.. however.. Overall we had lots of fun working together and I thoroughly enjoyed it... And it tasted good!