Friday 16 October 2009

Making my cake presentation...

For this brief we had to work in pairs, so I worked with my boyfriend Chris. We were to record a diary and record all eventualities pertaining to the following problem. I chose to present this as a Powerpoint presentation.

1. Find yourself a recipe.
2. Buy the ingredients we needed.
3. Bake the cake.
4. Make the cake look as mouthwateringly edible as we could.

I chose to use a recipe out of a very old baking book i had as a child, it's called the 'Marble Cake'. We made two to see which one would look the best to take in to present to the group and the judges. Our cake consisted of flour (normal and self- raising), caster sugar, baking powder, eggs, margarine, vanilla essence, red food colouring, chocolate, cocoa powder, milk and lots of sweets.
As you can probably see form the photographs we went a little overboard with the sweets and were still left with some left over after making two cakes! We weighed everything out properly and then mixed it all together in high raised baking tin but put dollops of the 3 different bowls in different places then used a knife and made the figure of 8 to create a marble effect, this then went in the oven for an hour and came out not brilliantly because my little Sister opened the door of the oven whilst it was baking causing part of the cake to collapse.. not impressed.. however.. Overall we had lots of fun working together and I thoroughly enjoyed it... And it tasted good!

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