Friday 16 October 2009

Pecha Kucha slide 1...

For our Pecha Kucha presentation we were to tell the group about the "things" that make us tick. The objective was to show staff and peers what is "doing it for you" right now and why.
Normally a presenter shows 20 images for 20 seconds a piece, for a total time of 6 minutes, 40 seconds.
For this brief we had to present 10 slides for 20 seconds a piece, for a total time of 3 minutes and 20 seconds - no longer, no shorter.
The 10 slides had to consist of (in our opinion) a good and bad example of the following design areas:

An advert: This could be a print or moving image.
A Logo/ Symbol/ Identity.
Editorial: A double page spread.
A poster for an event.
Use of typography.

This is my first slide above:

Good logo:

I'm going to start off by explaining why I like the Open University logo... What I enjoy the most about this design is the simplicity (the 'O' inside the 'OU') it looks almost like it has a glass effect which it never used to have. To me it looks like there is a lot of potential to push this logo further in the future. Also, it does to me give off the impression that there is a lot of opportunity at this University as it is crisp, clean and simplistic.

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