Wednesday 24 November 2010

Newclear Design

When I came back from Berlin I spoke to somebody who had a friend called Phil that is a director of a company called Newclear Design based in Manchester.

I didn't get to actually go to the offices as he said there was a lot of work lying around that his company are doing at the moment to do with huge canvases they've started creating. So we met at a local coffee shop where I showed him my portfolio and explained the kind of pathway I want to go down when I leave University which is to do something in either advertising, packaging/ product design.

To me this was a different experience to my previous visits to agencies as it was in a much more comfortable environment and had taken out a lot of time to sit and talk to me about his past experiences from leaving University to being where he is now. It was very interesting to find that he started in product design, then did a bit of freelancing and then decided to collaborate with his friend Ben who he went to University with who studied psychology but is also a photographer. He explained that this was good because clients trust their company a lot more as they have knowledge of what works in the industry and how peoples minds work and how we understand different designs.

Phil also told me that there are many stresses and strains of graphic design such as people wanting to change things at the last minute but its all part of the job which is a challenge and if you like a challenge you're right for the job.

He showed me a brochure of the kinds of things that his company creates such as:
Logo Design
Corporate Branding
eShot Campaigns
Magazine Design and Layout
Product Packaging
Exhibition Design
Graphics for Print
And much, much more

He told me it would be worth perhaps E-mailing different graphic companies and do a placement for a couple of weeks for free. This then boosts skills and confidence in the industry and he said that sometimes they may even want to take you on for a job with them. This is something that I will definitely give a go because it's all about making contacts too.

He also told me to E-mail him some of the canvases I paint in my own free time to see what he thinks of them and if any contacts he knows would be interested in buying them. And he told me to stay in touch and keep E-mailing him some new recent things that I get up to and create.

This is the kind of company that in reality I would like to work for. It seems fast paced, a challenge and a good small group of people that work well together. Their work is flawless and to work as a collaboration can only be a good thing as they learn different things from each other all the time.

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