Thursday 6 May 2010

Research for the Southbank Centre...

Here is the research I found for my End-Sting of the Soutbank Centre. Thomas Edison was a huge inspiration to me. I liked the clip of Mark Twain the author which is the only seen footage of the famous author alive and well. The film is distorted and flickers alot due to the film deterioration. I liked the feel to this so I used it when the curtains open on my animation all you can see is the flickering of the letters to make up the Southbank Centre. Here is the clip of Thomas Edison's short film of Mark Twain below...

Research for Photograph Narrative...

Here is my research for my photograph narrative. I researched quite a few photographers, some that I really like such as Man Ray and Mari Mahr because they work in black and white and mostly greyscale, however I didn't think that this would be effective in my work so I tried looking at others. I think the photographer that really influenced me would have to be Kristina Kotarski as she takes fantastic colourful images of close ups of objects or things mostly nature. I used this technique in quite a few of my photographs but one that really stands out is the photograph of the 3 leafed clover, where it is a close up of the leaves and my hand and the background is a little blurry because it is not really relevant to what the viewer is supposed to be focusing on. I really enjoyed researching for this brief as I found many talented photographers and it has really helped my skills in taking my own photographs.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Photograph narrative...

The Man's mind is in a whirl.
Harsh stones against the soft grass. Stones show that he is stuck in thought.
Tulip= woman in Fribourg, Dandelion= Simple, Weed= Boring
3 Pathways.
Different pathways. Complicated.
Simple, boring, Lust.
Simple, boring, lust.
Taken from a pub hill in Stockport an overview of what he can see.

In response to a short chapter taken from Alan Lightmans' seminal book 'Einsteins Dreams', I was required to produce a photographic narrative consisting of 8 images.

My chapter was about a man who was in 3 frames of mind. As it says, " To the east, he can see the fragile steeple of St. Vincent's Cathedral, to the west, the curved roof of the Zytgloggeturm. But the man is not looking east or west. He is staring down at a tiny red hat left in the snow below, and he is thinking. Should he go to the woman's house in Fribourg? His hands grip the metal balustrade, let go, grip again. Should he visit her? Should he visit her?" This to me seems like his mind is split 3 ways and he is stuck around time and is unsure what to do.

The whole chapter goes on about how this man should either go and visit a woman in Fribourg who he lusts for, stay put with his life carry on drinking in the oub with his friends and meet a woman who cooks, cleans, who he takes long slow walks with.. basically a simple easy, life, or should he buy a new coat. 3 options...

I took this and carried on with the 3 options in my photographs you can see that the ones that consist of 3 objects you can see which is the exciting, safe and simple boring one.

Brief for the 3rd Year Photography Students...

For this brief we were given many different photographs by different photography students in the third year and we were to name the photograph and put the information where the show was being held on it. I came up with neurotic as you can see from the photograph there is a man opening cans of beans on his desk looking rather shifty. I think this is a really odd but effective photograph and that's why I named it 'Neurotic'. I also like the fact the photograph is in black and white. I love working in black and white. I had my heart set on this picture and really wanted to refine it, I used the Didot typeface in different sizes to create the information on the page. I came up with many ideas in the beginning about where the text should lie on the page and how big, also the hierarchy. I like the fact that the title 'Neurotic', is in italics and is upside down yet we can still read it without a problem. I think this works well as is does not overpower the photograph itself.

Howies T-shirts

For this project we had to create T-shirts for the company howies, using our imaginations to include what howies is interested in, eg. the environment, sports, etc. Here are some above that I have come up with so far... I really enjyed working with the letters to create something else to the name of howies. The first green T-shirt represents recycling. The second blue T-shirt represents mountains upside down. The third T-shirt represents two rainbos to make the 'o'. The fourth T-shirt represents nature and I have used the flower as the 'i'. The fifth T-shirt shows all of the letters of the name howies in a different format to create a face. I think they are all unique in their own ways and I like them all.