Wednesday 5 May 2010

Brief for the 3rd Year Photography Students...

For this brief we were given many different photographs by different photography students in the third year and we were to name the photograph and put the information where the show was being held on it. I came up with neurotic as you can see from the photograph there is a man opening cans of beans on his desk looking rather shifty. I think this is a really odd but effective photograph and that's why I named it 'Neurotic'. I also like the fact the photograph is in black and white. I love working in black and white. I had my heart set on this picture and really wanted to refine it, I used the Didot typeface in different sizes to create the information on the page. I came up with many ideas in the beginning about where the text should lie on the page and how big, also the hierarchy. I like the fact that the title 'Neurotic', is in italics and is upside down yet we can still read it without a problem. I think this works well as is does not overpower the photograph itself.

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