Wednesday 23 June 2010

Thoughtful Presentation...

During the second year, the tutors arranged for 'Thoughtful' a design agency that has a base on the fifth floor of Stockport college to come in and have a chat with our year group about what inspires them and what makes them feel good about themselves. They also gave us a few clips at the end of the presentation which were "wise words" from some important people. I jotted down quite a few notes during this presentation and will share them and what I thought of them on here.

  • Wise words
  • Thoughtfulism
Stu's Inspiration:

Posters/ Daniel Eatock/ Free kick by David Beckham/ Orange peel/ David Lachapelle/ Hype Williams/ Hammer and Tongues/ Spike Jonze/ Films by Stanley Kubrick/ Radiohead/ Droga 5/ The Great Schlep

I have to agree with Stu on this one, I really like this big brother logo that Daniel Eatock has created. It is very abstract, simple but also works very well. He has also made many other different variations in this logo that are very pleasing to the eye.

I also really like the idea that David Lachepelle used the Louis Vuitton logo designs and put them all over the famous rap singer Lil Kim as though she is a luxury item. I really think this is clever, his work however mostly relates to fear, death, the meaning of the existence itself, the presence of the divine and the idea of the sublime. So again I agree with Stu on this one.

Chris's Inspiration:

Blue Apple logo/ Apple/ Oasis/ Hamster shredder/ Split keyring/ Bic cutlery/ Money box hammer/ PUYL bike light pump/ 15 below jacket/ The rolling bench/ Metal detecting sandals/ Ricebaby

With Chris's inspiration I think I have a little bit more to comment on I like everything that he has spoken about but there are a couple that I think are really clever ideas.

I really like this idea of doing two things at once. Getting rid of unwanted paper and making it so a hamster has a bed/ home. A little unusual and quirky is what makes me tick.

Another thing that made me laugh was the BIC pens, and how they have cutlery shaped plastic as their lids. Very clever and would work brilliantly in an office environment!

Finally the best one I have to agree with is the rolling bench. They can be used in public places and kept outside yet if they get wet because of the rain you can use the roller at the side of the bench to roll it round so you can sit on the dry part. In my opinion this is absolutely brilliant! Really good idea!

Wise Words and Thoughtfulism:

Patrick Baglee - Navyblue
  • To be interesting you have to be interested...
Thoughtful related this to their work: Honda Live TV ad / Tate Colour Chart

Paula Scher - Pentagram
  • Only work with the best even if you don't get paid...
Thoughtful related this to their work: Liverpool Biennial / Big Archive / Friska Food / Nous Vous / Friska food on Twitter

Greg Quinton - The Partners
  • You must earn the right to do great work
Thoughtful related this to their work: Howies / Thought for the day one idea a day for 1 year / Low impact advertising / Teepay

Michael Wolff
  • The chair is your enemy...

Adrian Shaughnessy - Shaughnessy Works
  • Preparation
  • Prevents
  • Piss
  • Poor
  • Performance

Johnathan Baldwin - Lecturer in Design History, University of Dundee
  • Learn to make connections
Thoughtful was involved in: Andrew James Jones + Super Furry Animals / The Crying Bride at the Tate

Tony Davidson - W+K London
  • Embrace change...
Nokia and Heineken

James Corazzo - Lecturer Stockport College
  • "Never, Never, Never give up!"
I think that all of these short statements from these people are very useful for undergraduates. They have been especially useful to me as they have explained that you need to work very hard to where you want to be nothing is going to be handed to you on a plate. It's time to go out there and grab oppertunities when ever possible and now that is exactly what my mindset is.

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