Wednesday 23 June 2010

Together Trust...

We were set a brief to design 3 different campaigns to persuade and to help children of all different ages to get adopted by people that were/ are ready to take on the roles of being parents. I really enjoyed this brief. It took me a while to get my ideas together as I wasn't very well and had to miss a little bit off University time which meant I had to work on my own for this. I wasn't too fussed about this but in my opinion 2 heads are always better than one. However, I ended up really enjoying this project and working on it freely and independently.

I decided I wanted to go down the photography route on this as I had the idea of being a role model and putting that over to people that wanted to be parents or I was even aiming it at people that perhaps had never even thought of fostering so it could have been a good opportunity too. I also took photographs of children getting in to mischief just to show people that these children are human and it is a lot to take on, they need to know that before they get involved.

So I started to get a few pages of brainstorms together to see what I could photograph children in.. Here is some of the evidence of this:

After this I got a few children who I knew together and started taking photographs of them dressed up to show different scenarios. I took about 70 photos but I will show you the ones that I think are the best up on here now. The bit that I mostly enjoyed was going to the ambulance and fire service and dressing the little boy Jack up in a chefs outfit in a real restaurant kitchen it was funny! At the bottom of the page shows where I have played around with some of the different photographs and made them in to actual foster campaigns for Together Trust. This brief really was enjoyable and a lot of fun!

Here are my 3 finished design campaigns for Together Trust below (2 would not upload due to an internal error but are in my portfolio):

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