Monday 6 December 2010


Whilst I was at home one evening I came across a television programme called 'rudetube' on channel 4. I saw something that was very inspiring to me and helped me massively in a recent project for I am doing with a friend in my class for Ted Baker.

This short film was created by a guy called Bang-Yao Liu. I looked online to find out a little more about him and came across a blog post that another girl had created where she had asked him a few questions about his animation I was unable to copy the interview on to my blog so here is the link to the questions asked below:

I really took a shine to this animation as I know and understand how much pressure us students are put under to finish our work to perfection for the deadlines.

As I mentioned previously I have decided to use a similar kind of idea for my work. I have decided to use ambient media in my Ted Baker brief as I think from seeing this it has a big effect on the public social networking sites and can get passed around like wildfire if it is funny and witty enough. This piece of work actually made me say wow.. So I hope to get the same effect when I finish my brief.

Here is the animation below:


  1. Hi Juliette,

    Glad you enjoyed the interview. My interview with Bang-Yao was an exclusive so I would appreciate if you didn't copy and paste my Q&A with him and actually linked back to my article. Appreciate it greatly.


  2. Sorry Joz yes of course I will edit it now and put the link on.
