Tuesday 21 December 2010

Riitta Ikonen

When I knew about Riitta Ikonen coming in for a talk with us and the Illustrators, I had never heard of her or knew what she did. I decided to do some research and found that she studies Illustration, and has a very eccentric style and notion about her work. There is a lot of playfulness in her work, and she doesn't take herself too seriously. Her main focus is costume and also theatre costumes. She produces her own costumes as she has had the ability to sew for a very long time. She is inspired very much so by nature, and she finds interest in collecting and organising anything she finds and can take home with her. Photography is an important role within her work also, because of the nature in how she works with a variety of locations, it is vital that everything she does is photographed to record her work, as this is the only way in which it can be recorded in stills. I really appreciate this as I myself love photography and try and introduce it in to a lot of my own work. It is something that I am definitely considering getting in to when I finish Graphic Design and perhaps doing Photography for a year afterwards. I like the fact that she challenges herself to work as differently as she can every time she produces a piece of work. I want to be able to have this way of thinking when it comes to doing my final major project.

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