Tuesday 21 December 2010

Working as a Pair

Over the past 3 months Lisa Baines and I have decided to work together on 3 projects which are: Redesigning and repackaging the Pro-Plus packaging, the same for The Body Shop and Repackage and POS for Ted Baker. I didn't really realise how intense these projects were going to be before we started them. Every time we tried to pick a brief together we always went with the one that we thought would excel our skills in what we like to do which is very ideas based. The people that had decided to work in pairs were expected to have gone through 3 briefs and have a final outcome to put up on exhibition boards just before Christmas and the people doing one brief in a pair and one brief on their own had to do two. I think that possibly if we only had two briefs to do then our final outcomes could have been created a little better. As throughout these briefs we we found that actually going to execute the final design though was not that good which is something we will definitely have to work on before we graduate. Overall I have found that me and Lisa have totally clicked as a pair and this is what I want for my future is to have a partner that I can work with and be able to bounce ideas off each other to create some good work. I have learned that the saying "two heads are better than one" is really relevant to the way I feel about working and studying in my own pathway and I will keep in contact with Lisa when I graduate and perhaps we can help each other out with projects and briefs in the near future.

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