Tuesday 21 December 2010


For the past 3 months I have been working on my journal which has to have a theme about what you want to talk about. It's all about myself and what has worked for me and what has not worked so well, also who and what my influences are and how they inter-link with my recent projects. I decided to go for the journal as it consists of having to write 5000 words and to do a 20 minute presentation. I felt at the beginning I would be far more confident about writing about my own work instead of doing the dissertation which is 8000 words on another persons work. I started by writing my journal as a diary and found that this was not how things were done. If I'm being completely honest I found writing the journal and preparing the presentation at the same time as working with Lisa on 3 projects really really intense. I did get to the point of breaking down just a week before doing the real presentation but realised for this industry you have to be pretty thick skinned. Nothing has ever made me upset before whilst being at the college but I got very good guidance from Gary Spicer about how to change and better my journal for the deadline. This made me feel so much better after speaking to him about where I had gone wrong and the kinds of things they were going to be marking when our work was handed in. I think it was perhaps just being put under the pressure of having to get everything done and just before Christmas too. However, I realise it is possible I have done my presentation which is a big step forward and I am currently still editing my journal and working on talking about how things made me feel whilst I was working in my pathway and adding more quotes from great graphic pioneers. The theme in my journal is collaboration and how I feel better and I can see how different my work is when I work with Lisa. All I need to focus on now really is looking at more graphic books so I think over Christmas I will be in the Library collecting and finding more sources and going on Athens to see if any other journals have been created relating to collaboration. I have learned that researching things that you don't already know about really does help for the moment that you need to know it and again in the future. I have also learned that it is good to boost confidence for the future in presntation skills.

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