Tuesday 21 December 2010


Graduating has to be one of my greatest fears and something that makes me wonder if I'll be successful when I finish higher education. I've heard so many stories from people that haven't made it and have had to get a job that they don't even want to do just to pay the bills. It's quite scary also hearing some of the bad experiences from the people that had just graduated within the last 2 years from Stockport. I mean not all of them had bad experiences but some of them did and it is very worrying to think will that be me? I've just learned that I must never give up no matter what and just keep trying. I have been making a lot more contacts this year as it has kind of been a kick back to reality that this is my life and my work nobody else's and this is what I want to do. I do feel a little more confident as I say over the past couple of months as I feel that my work has become a lot stronger and my ideas have become a lot quicker as well with the help of Lisa and I am very happy about this but things need to just carry on this way and I would like to carry on doing portfolio visits before and after I graduate as I've realised that this is another foot in the door to meeting great graphic designers and could possibly be an opportunity to work for a good graphic agency.

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