Wednesday 25 August 2010


I was first introduced to this film by a person who studies music himself and is starting to make music of his own. As I am really in to my music to I thought it would be a good idea to see what it was all about.

The Film is a profile of Ian Curtis, the enigmatic singer of Joy Division whose personal, professional, and romantic troubles led him to commit suicide at the age of 23. It is played by Sam Riley, who in my opinion plays Curtis amazingly. His actions, his moves, everything is so alike. It is a very powerful, deep story and has you engrossed in it from the very start. I really like it as it is a biography of his life and it shows his struggles. It is not made up and it is based on the facts of a true story. I think that it is important to know a bit of music history to see how far we've come to listening to the music that we listen to nowadays. It is also set in black and white which gives an old feel to it. To anyone who loves music, you will love this film.

It ties in really well with my pathway as I have been looking at Peter Saville one of the best graphic designers in Britain, as he was a part of Factory Records. He made many album covers for many punk bands at the tim eincluding Joy Division/ New order.

My favourite album cover was made in 1980 by The Durutti Column, they released an album called "The Return of the Durutti Colum" and decided to do something special with the record jacket. The sleeve for this record is covered in sandpaper. This was so that when the record is stored on a shelf next to other records, the very action of taking the record off the shelf and putting it back on will gradually ruin all the other records next to it . Of course there was no manufacturing facility that had a "sandpaper album sleeve" option, so they had to hand-assemble them themselves. Actually, Ian Curtis of Joy Division put all the records together by himself as he needed extra money at the time.

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