Wednesday 25 August 2010

The Twilight Saga

When I first watched Twilight I didn't think I would be in to it at all, I don't really like films that have got a lot to do with sci-fi. In my opinion I think if it's not made perfectly by the right director etc, it can turn out really tacky and it is just a waste of time watching. However there has been some huge Twilight hype and the third one has just come out recently so I thought I would see what all the fuss is about.

After the first one I was totally addicted. It is mainly a love story between Edward and Bella. Bella is a human and Edward is a vampire yet he lives like we do. That's what I liked so much about it is that it was really realistic because the vampires in the movie lived amongst humans living like we do they weren't really made out to be monsters. I had to watch the next two without a doubt.

During the second and third sagas warewolves got introduced. Again I had heard about it before I had watched it and it put me off a little as I thought it would ruin it, however, it didn't. I think the fact for em is that the film has two of the biggest heartthrobs at the moment in it and one is a vampire Robert Pattinson and the warewolf Taylor Lautner. Also the graphics in it when they actually turn in to these creatures are not over the top they look like its natural. I think it's quite hard to explain unless you have actually watched the films, but I seriously would recommend them to anybody.

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