Wednesday 25 August 2010


I came across this graphic design agency when I was having a route through Google. I think that the motion graphics on the first page grabbed my attention to having a look through their portfolio.

Logo Design and Marketing is a leading UK website agency near Plymouth in South Devon specialising in the design of corporate identities and brand images. Working internationally with both private and publicly funded companies and organisations for over thirty years, Logo Design also provides a full design service ensuring the work undertaken on branding and identity is used to best effect.

Some of my favourite logos that they have created are:

In both of these logos I really like the type face used for both. Organic has very tertiary and solid yet soft colours, and the Fat Face Technical uses 1 dominant colour which works well with a plain white background and is easily recognizable to others.

I also like the fact that it is only a small company in Plymouth but it really only focuses on/ specializes in logos and a little bit of web design.

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