Thursday 26 August 2010

Kiss My Pixel

Recently over the holiday I have been watching a nature program on CBBC called Deadly 60. I know.. I know it sounds a bit babyish but the presenter of the show Steve Backshall is so entertaining! It is a program for kids but really I think it has adult humour in it to so the whole family can enjoy! I already love wildlife, animals and nature so to be able to see new things and understand certain species/ creatures habitats and environments is brilliant!

Kiss My Pixel are based in Bristol and have worked with many programs to create the beginning introduction to a series on television. Here is a clip of a wild tiger that the team have gone to investigate below:

I was unable to get a copy of the title sequence for my blog as there is nothing on youtube, and you have to buy it on Kiss My Pixel. So if you would like to have a quick glimpse at Deadly 60's introduction then here is the link below. As you will see the orange colours are fantastic and it looks as though a map zooms and fades in and out whilst Steve is talking. The music is heavy and makes you feel like you are going to be taken on a journey with them!

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