Thursday 26 August 2010

Theatre of Dreams

Recently I have been really getting in to my football and I have always been brought up as a red. Manchester United are who I support. I went to my first match not so long ago and we played Portsmouth and won 5-0 which was brilliant for my first match. I know it is not the most best built stadium in the world, but I like it so much because of the hoards of people that holds 65,000 united fans that all sing the same songs. The atmosphere is just totally out of this world. I was more fortunate to get a seat in the Stretford End where it really is bouncing! These people are fans with season tickets and know every song and mainly start them off.

It is a fantastic ground and now I can really see why it is called the 'Theatre of Dreams'. Not only does it hold and immense amount of United fans but it looks fantastic and has good players which normally win against their opponents!

Here are the goals from the match that I was at for the first time below:

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