Wednesday 25 August 2010

Yes Man

Now this film really inspired me to start saying the word 'yes' a lot more! The whole film is based on a guy (Jim Carey) who always says no, he has no life, no girlfriend and he's losing his friends all the time as he is so selfish. Until he sees a man who used to work in his bank who is a lot happier, this man tells him about a ceremony where somebody helps you have a better life. He went and started saying yes to a lot more things as he would find that if he didn't say yes then bad things would happen and he would be miserable.

After I had watched this with my friend we decided that we were going to do the same thing. The day started off with watching the film then i said shall we go to Liverpool as I wanted to take pictures of the Catholic church in the shape of a Wigwam, we both said yes, however on the way on the motorway we had some silly people sending silly gestures so it didn't work out as well as we thought it would for the whole day, regardless we came back went to the pub and met a few new people which is something we wouldn't normally do. Overall it was a fun day! All due to this very good film.

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